- ポリ乳酸は何で出来ていますか?
- どれくらいの重さまで耐えられますか?
- プリーツは変化しますか?
- 洗濯時は30℃以下とのことですが、夏場の買い物中や、買い物後に車で移動したりする場合に、太陽の熱による影響はあるのでしょうか?
- どのくらいの湿度と熱の条件下で、加水分解が起きるのですか?日常生活の中で、加水分解される可能性もありえるのですか?
- 高温多湿の場所においていると劣化するとのことですが、ワンシーズンで劣化してしまうのですか?
- 土に還る素材ですが、何日くらいで還りますか?
- 雨の日は大丈夫ですか?
- 雨などで濡れた場合に、洋服などに色移りはありますか?
- 使用期限はあるのですか?
- 分解するとどんな風になるのですか?
- What is polylactic acid fiber made from?
- How much weight can the bags withstand?
- Does pleats form change?
- It is indicated the bags should be washed in the water less than 30 _ ; however,does the sun heat affect them during the shopping in summer or driving a car with the bag after shopping?
- How much heat and humidity does hydrolysis need to occur? Can hydrolysis occur in everyday life?
- It is said that the bags deteriorate in a hot and humid place, but does it occur in one season?
- How many days does it take for the material to decompose in the soil?
- Can we use the bags on rainy days?
- If the bags get wet with rain,does those color transfer to my clothes?
- Do the bags have expiry date of usage?
- How do the bags become like once the decomposition occurs?
What is polylactic acid fiber made from?
It is made from starch of corn kernel.
How much weight can the bags withstand?
On our testing they had the tensile strength of 15kg;however, as days go by they seem to lose the strength. Although our staffs use them stuffing as much as one shopping basket and they have never got torn,they may tear by adding sudden force such as lifting them at a stretch.Please lift them slowly when you put in heavy objects.
Does pleats form change?
Pleats are not permanent. Pleats folds becomes looser a little. They may get looser fast if you leave them extended with things inside of the bag. To keep the pleats lasting we recommend that you place the bag empty on a flat place after use. Never iron them.
温度に湿度が加わった時に加水分解が始まります。撥水加工をしてありますので 少しの間、太陽の熱にあたっても 基本的には影響はないと思います。
洗濯時30℃というのは水温が高い洗濯液中でかくはん(撹拌)させると プリーツがとれやすいからです。ネットに入れて洗うとプリーツは崩れにくくなります。
HIt is indicated the bags should be washed in the water less than 30 _ ; however,does the sun heat affect them during the shopping in summer or driving a car with the bag after shopping?
Hydrolysis occurs when the humidity is added to certain temperature. The bag is waterproof so placing it under the sun heat for a while basically doesn't affect the materials.
However, please avoid leaving them in a place humid and hot such as a car parked during summer. Please consider that polylactic acid is a living thing.Things born from nature return to the nature.
Washing with water up to 30 _ means that the pleats tend to loosen if you wash and stir them in higher temperature water with detergent. The pleats less likely to loosen if you put the bags in a net when you wash them.
How much heat and humidity does hydrolysis need to occur? Can hydrolysis occur in everyday life?
It doesn't occur as far as in normal daily lives in Japan, but please avoid leaving the bags in a place such as a car parked during summer.Since there is a experiment report which says hydrolysis occurs from 57 _ with 60% humidity, please take care of use and the using environment.
It is said that the bags deteriorate in a hot and humid place, but does it occur in one season?
By daily use,it is assumed that degradation begins approximately in one year.This is aging degradation which occurs regardless of high temperature and humidity. Any fiber causes aging degradation. If the specific condition of high temperature and humidity is satisfied the material may get torn within a year.On the other hand, our staffs use them in a pretty heavy rough way and they still haven't seen any symptom . Therefore it depends on each way of use and environment of users, which we cannot specify exactly when and how.
How many days does it take for the material to decompose in the soil?
It does not decompose immediately. Hydrolysis doesn't occur unless conditions are satisfied. It is reported as a test data of manufacturer that it decomposes in two weeks if the conditions are satisfied.
撥水加工してありますので大丈夫です。ただし洗濯ではよく濯(すす)がないと 洗剤が残り、雨に濡れやすくなるので 気をつけてください。
Can we use the bags on rainy days?
There is no problem since the bags are waterproof.
However, please make sure you rinse out the detergent well when washing them otherwise they tend to get wet in rain.
If the bags get wet with rain,does those color transfer to my clothes?
It doesn't occur when the bags are wet.
Since polylactic acid fiber is weak in dry friction,by rubbing the material polylactic acid particles flake off and fall into the grain of other fabric,which may seem color transfer.
Do the bags have expiry date of usage?
Whole materials of PLA bags including the care labels, threads and tags are plant-origin which return to soil. Therefore, they are biodegradable and deteriorate over time. Generally , the bags become unusable in about a year for heavy users, 2 to 4 years for those who use them sometimes, 5 to 6 years without using. But please note this is a guide. The usable duration varies in environments and situations. There is a case that deterioration starts in 1 to 2 years when the bags are stored in the inappropriate places. We recommend you use them frequently rather than storing them in your closet. When the decomposition starts, the bags tear easily. Please stop using them once they start getting torn.
There is no expiration date for the recycled PET bags. Please note that PET items do not return to soil.
How do the bags become like once the decomposition occurs?
They mostly tear along the pleats. Once the decomposition starts they tear easily along the pleats just by pulling them lightly even if they used to keep heavy-duty against strong pulling force. Please do not use them once they start getting torn.